I love to take pictures.I love to look at pictures from years past.I went through and gathered some of my older pics for this post. Hope you enjoy.Kittens in an apronClematis in full bloom Reading togetherFun times at the creekA smaller clematisMay you look around today and find … [Read more...] about Pictures from the Past
I know that there is a really good recipe out there for this... but I can't find it. So this is my own alternative recipe until I find the one that is exact. This one is still really tasty though. :)1 finely chopped tomato1 finely chopped onion1 cup of fresh corn from the cob or … [Read more...] about Caviar???
Carrot Cake
One of my all-time favorite blogs posted a carrot cake recipe long ago (she hasn't blogged in ages). One of the pictures is in my banner above. It turned out so gorgeously, and the cake is so delicious. Here is a link to the recipe... Jewel's Carrot Cake Her blog is so beautiful … [Read more...] about Carrot Cake
Spinach Quiche
We have been getting some beautiful eggs lately and I thought I would share our Spinach Quiche recipe.Spinach Quiche 8 eggs 1 medium onion chopped Fresh mushrooms or a 1 small can 2 heaping cups of fresh spinach or 1 box frozen 3 cloves of chopped garlic 1 Tbsp of parsley 1/2 … [Read more...] about Spinach Quiche
Garden Art
I love putting pretty things in my flower beds. I have little faux toadstools and pretty rocks. My Cameo brought these un-salvage-able cast iron pans and said, "Mom, what about these?" That child knows me SO well... I said, "YES! I love that!" :)So into the herb bed they went. … [Read more...] about Garden Art