This recipe is not the most healthy, but I am sure it is better than what they have in the stores... plus it is a bit less expensive also.Made some last night and it is just fabulous...I hope to figure out something a bit more healthy for future use. Hope you enjoy! … [Read more...] about Vanilla Coffee Creamer
School time= Fun time
When thinking about my children and what gifts we would like for them to have this past Christmas, Shannon and I agreed that we wanted at least one of their gifts to be something we could use for school.The children were equally excited to see some of the goodies they received.A … [Read more...] about School time= Fun time
Elderberry Cough Syrup
Elderberry Cough SyrupRecipe taken from Crystal Miller's Family HomesteadMake Your Own Elderberry Syrup for the Cold Season1 cup dried elderberries (you can purchase dried elderberries from Mountain Rose Herbs ). If you have a source of fresh elderberries you can also use … [Read more...] about Elderberry Cough Syrup
Making an oil lamp, like Ma Ingalls
"What's a button lamp?" Pa asked."Wait and see," said Ma.When he had gone to do the chores for the night Ma told Carrie to bring her the rag bag. She took some of the axle grease from the box and spread it in an old saucer. Then she cut a small square of calico. "Now find … [Read more...] about Making an oil lamp, like Ma Ingalls
Trying my hand…
I decided to finally take the plunge and try my hand at the 'no knead' artisan type bread. I have had it on my to do list for a long while but seemed a bit apprehensive about trying.This week I overcame my fear and went for it.I am very pleased with the outcome and my family … [Read more...] about Trying my hand…