Last week we were blessed to get to go on a field trip to Guntersville, AL to visit replicas of the Niña and Pinta! The last time we went to see these, Abram was smaller than our little cousin who went with us. So about 11 years ago! They are really beautiful ships, it's … [Read more...] about Field Trip to the Nina and Pinta
On my heart…
Much is on my heart this morning, but words seem to fail me.I will cling to that Rock, that is much higher than I. I will do my best to praise Him and trust that His ways are always best. I will continue to follow where He leads. If you are going through struggles … [Read more...] about On my heart…
My Outdoor Kitchen
The weather around these parts has finally caught up to the season we are in and the days are absolutely gorgeous. Summer was here for so long this year, I think everyone around here, even the most die-hard summer lovers are thankful. But with the end of summer it gets the … [Read more...] about My Outdoor Kitchen
Unexpected Blessings!
Yesterday was a full-to-overflowing day of good ole fashioned work. Beginning early in the day and going on all-day-long from one task to another. I love getting a lot accomplished though. It makes me happy to be productive. Work is good. I think we need to remember that … [Read more...] about Unexpected Blessings!
Ready or Not
Ready or not... things will happen in our lives. These things can be good, or they can be bad. We can let them dictate our mood or attitude or we can take what comes, face it head on and know that God is always in control and do our best with it. Easier said than done … [Read more...] about Ready or Not