There has been so much going on around the homestead in these last few weeks. The garden is producing a bounty and we are so very grateful for those blessings!I've been canning and dehydrating and freezing up a storm!The noodle beans are starting to come … [Read more...] about Garden bounty and a quick pickle recipe
June Garden 2020
The garden is in FULL swing right now and it is absolutely lovely. Every day brings new treasures! So much is growing and thriving. It is easily the grandest garden we have ever had... but I believe it is the most tended garden we have ever had too... I know that makes a … [Read more...] about June Garden 2020
2020 Garden!
This year as 2020 rolled around I knew I wanted to make some changes, I knew I wanted to pursue some ideas I had toyed with in the past much, MUCH more fervently. Then as things went a little berserk with our country, I knew exactly WHY those pursuits were so high on my … [Read more...] about 2020 Garden!
Guest Post!
I've had a secret for a little while now, I am excited to finally be able to share. I was asked to do a guest post for one of my favorite instagram friends! Tea with Tolkien! Kaitlyn and I are akin with a love of all things hobbity and homey. After watching me share with everyone … [Read more...] about Guest Post!
Chas’s FAVORITE Sourdough Pancakes!
I love pancakes. I love all kinds of pancakes. I've rarely met a pancake that I didn't like.The pancake itself fried so you get a little bit of crispy bits around the edge while the middle is light, fluffy, and and FULL of flavor, slathered with butter, covered in REAL maple … [Read more...] about Chas’s FAVORITE Sourdough Pancakes!