In the true homesteading spirit, I am doing my best to really use e.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g and not let things go to waste. This years sunflowers are coming in a little at a time and being saved for seed. Eating and planting for next year... and drying some for my fall decorating that … [Read more...] about ::In my kitchen::
How our garden is growing :: 8.8.13
The garden is a busy place right now. Some things are finishing up for the season. Making room for new plants to arrive for the fall garden that we ARE planting this year. The sunflowers are tall, proud and gorgeous. I love that in this quick snapshot, we see a bee making … [Read more...] about How our garden is growing :: 8.8.13
Oatmeal in the morning
Breakfasts can be blah, can't they? Truthfully, I don't always jump up ready to make a big pancake breakfast or bacon & eggs, biscuit and gravy breakfast. Some mornings I want to sit and savor my cup of coffee, the quiet and let the earliness of the morning linger just a … [Read more...] about Oatmeal in the morning
Canning Days
Canning days are a special time around here. It's been a tradition a long time in the making. We had canning days when Nannie Red was still alive. Those were glorious days to be in our family. The kids helped too, but afterwards, we got to play! Time has passed and now … [Read more...] about Canning Days
No Grocery Store Challenge
It's August!!!With August comes a new set of challenges, we are feeling the summer still in full swing, but at the same time we are realizing that fall and winter are not too terribly far away.Yesterday at almost noon our temps were in the high 60's! Almost unheard of for the … [Read more...] about No Grocery Store Challenge