So is my life right now... A blessing it is, too. I don't work outside of the home. I don't bring home a paycheck. That is something our family decided a long time ago. If the time comes and there is no other choice, I have no problem with going to work... it's just … [Read more...] about A time to work…
Writing for Season’s at Home Magazine
A few months back, I was approached by a very sweet young lady about writing for Seasons at Home Magazine. She wanted to include some homesteading how-to's.I eagerly accepted.I've had a subscription to the magazine before and so I knew that they did a exquisite job putting … [Read more...] about Writing for Season’s at Home Magazine
Baby Stitching
I wish I could tell you that it was my babe, but it's not. This is for a family member who's sweet one was born just Saturday on my Dumplin's special day. Carlie Jean turned 9 and her baby cousin Eva (pronounced E-va) was born that morning in Brussels!I wanted it to be … [Read more...] about Baby Stitching
With thanks for helping build our page, hop on over to Facebook, if you facebook... and like Heritage Acres Homestead! In doing so, you can comment to be entered into a giveaway!If you don't facebook, leave me a comment here and I will add your name in the … [Read more...] about Giveaway!!!
Rainy day fun
It has been very, very rainy around here as of late. Rainy days are nice though because they can get you to do some projects that you have been meaning to do for a while. I have been thinking that these ole coffee cans that we use for our compost buckets could use a little … [Read more...] about Rainy day fun