Sometimes I I making a difference?am I teaching my children to be slow to anger?am I showing the love of Jesus in every-day life with my family?am I blessing with the words of my mouth?am I teaching my children how to resist the lures of this wicked world?am I … [Read more...] about Sometimes
Monday is Wash Day
We have been having some issues with our water line lately.Ugh.So, when I use the washing machine the water comes back up on us rather than flowing out.Big pain, Big mess.As a family of 6, we have to have our Monday wash day!So, instead of fretting, we started living out what I … [Read more...] about Monday is Wash Day
Homemade Convenience Foods: Strawberry Ice Cream
Over the weekend we were busy as bees. Saturday, the children and I worked in the hen house almost. all. day! I can't wait to let you see how AWESOME it looks. Yesterday, we went to church and rested and enjoyed a wonderful Mother's Day which was topped off with Homemade … [Read more...] about Homemade Convenience Foods: Strawberry Ice Cream
What the Weekend Holds
This weekend will be a busy one for us. Papa will be helping in someones yard for the early part of the day and then afterwards... HOORAY!For my Mother's Day gift we will be deep cleaning the chicken coop now that Moma Hen gave us some chicks.... I didn't tell you that? Oh, … [Read more...] about What the Weekend Holds
Taking a step
Knowing just what a monumental feat it would be to go totally off grid, I will have to be patient. I wish I could tell you that I had the patience of Job.... alas, I can. not. I used to think I was incredibly patient, I'm not. :) hahaSo, instead of moaning over when will I be … [Read more...] about Taking a step