Over the weekend we celebrated an early birthday for my Dumplin. Being born on the 6th of July proves to be a busy time for our family. Most often, we spend her birthday while at Constructors for Christ. This year with Shannon and Cameo's mission trip being so close, Constructors … [Read more...] about Cake Decorating and Recipe
Big Hearts Farm: Where God’s Love Grows
You may be noticing the lack of posts lately, well, it's not because I have nothing to say, it's because I am so stinkin tired. haha! We are nearing the end of our weeklong VBS! It has been a BLAST so far, and so well worth the weariness I feel. This year I've had the opportunity … [Read more...] about Big Hearts Farm: Where God’s Love Grows
Mother’s Day
Motherhood is a blessed calling. It is something that should never be taken lightly or for granted. Motherhood doesn't always mean you have physically given birth... Motherhood is far greater than that act. Motherhood is being, giving, striving, sacrificing, … [Read more...] about Mother’s Day
Hey, Tina! You fat LARD…
I know... I am forever ruined by that movie. It's hilarious to me and I laugh at it and quote it OFTEN. But today we are going to talk about LARD!!!!!HomegrownHand fedPig LARDWhen my Mom and I had our pigs processed last time I made sure that I got everything I could from our … [Read more...] about Hey, Tina! You fat LARD…
Over the weekend we were blessed to be able to attend a campout with our Trail Life and American Heritage Girls Troop. The site was BEAUTIFUL! And the fellowship was sweet.So many good skills learned and shared while we were there. The older kids went on a 6.2 mile … [Read more...] about Camping