Over the past week or so, there has been a picture floating around the internet. A sunflower mesh wreath. I knew once I saw it that I needed to give it a try. A few friends even tagged me in different posts on Facebook saying, "Chas! This looks like you!" or "Hey, Chas! Try … [Read more...] about Make your own Sunflower Wreath
Make your own Window Stars
Many years ago I read a blog that I absolutely adored. It was always filled with such wisdom and love and she had such a heart for her home, her family and the Lord. It was a joy to read. That was the first time I had seen a window star. I thought they were so beautiful and … [Read more...] about Make your own Window Stars
How to make your own Jar Cozy
I've had a few friends ask me how to make one of my mason jar cozies. They are a lot of fun and pretty simple. If you don't have the time or the desire to crochet one yourself, I would be most glad to make one for you! My etsy shop is here! Heritage Acres Homestead on … [Read more...] about How to make your own Jar Cozy
Making Carlie into Anna…
Over the Christmas break, my daughter was in a play loosely based on the crazy popular movie Frozen. In the play she was someone else, but was supposed to have an costume that was much like Anna's. I was asked long in advance, Praise the Lord... and finally found a time between … [Read more...] about Making Carlie into Anna…
Catching up on times already passed…
I spent so much time away from my blog that I have to play catch up. Posting things that have been many months past, but too special to miss.My kids are still at a fun age and love to dress up. So when the talk of what will we dress up for at Halloween comes up... well, there is … [Read more...] about Catching up on times already passed…