I am always on a quest to make my home a much more organized space. Seeking to make me, my husband and my children able to accomplish much when needed and able to relax when necessary. Like I told you before, football season is here and that brings later evenings and late … [Read more...] about My Organization Space
More baskets
Have I told you how much I love making these baskets? I really do...And while I've been making them, I've learned some things.One thing I have noticed on other places is that there isn't a lot of information out there. Like they are trying to hoard the rope basket making … [Read more...] about More baskets
Abe is 10
Yesterday my baby boy turned double digits....10You know that time is flying by when you tell their birth story each year and this time you say, "Well, TEN years ago at this time I was going to the doctor's office to get a check on you..." Ten years.His birthday was … [Read more...] about Abe is 10
A handy little item for your kitchen
A friend of mine sent me a picture a month or so ago and said... "Can you make me some of these??" They were super cute and I thought how handy they would be for bowls that needed to be covered but do not have lids!I have them listed on my etsy, if you are interested and I can … [Read more...] about A handy little item for your kitchen
August Menu: Week 2
Last week, the menu plan was so helpful to me and several others. That makes me smile. I love helping others in any way that I can, even if it is from a simple post about being organized (something I long to be) or something creative, or something God has brought to my mind or … [Read more...] about August Menu: Week 2