This is year #2 with my rhubarb. On your second year, you can pluck some stalks! I did my first plucking this past weekend!It's amazing seeing how large the stalks can become, and truthfully... if I had known better, I probably should have picked earlier! The stalks were so large … [Read more...] about Rhubarb & Strawberries… an Excellent Combination!
Homemade Convenience Foods: Yum-Yum Sauce
Yum-Yum Sauce or Japanese White Sauce is delicious. I like it when you add a little Sriracha sauce and make it SPICY! It is very expensive to buy, with a bottle being almost $5 each. I just knew there had to be a way to make it, more healthfully and more inexpensively. So playing … [Read more...] about Homemade Convenience Foods: Yum-Yum Sauce
Seasons at Home Magazine
One of my most favorite things to do is to have a seat in my most comfy chair with my favorite quilt and a steamy cup and read or stitch. When I can do that it is a rare treat and one that I look forward to. I had the opportunity to read through a deliciously beautiful magazine … [Read more...] about Seasons at Home Magazine
Strawberry Appalachian Stack Cake
I know I promised you a recipe for the Strawberry Appalachian Stack cake a week or so ago. Sorry it has taken me a little while to get it for you. I have been making soap and writing and crafting... in addition to my other responsibilities of my life. I have to sneak in those … [Read more...] about Strawberry Appalachian Stack Cake
Soapmaking 101
Good Morning! I am going to attempt to show you somewhat step by step how to make soap. With permission from my friend Ashlee to share the recipe that she shared with me. First off you need to gather all your materials. OilsScaleStainless Steel Stock PotStainless Steel … [Read more...] about Soapmaking 101